
The Science Behind MindBody GLP-1 System

Better wellness starts with the mind-body connection.

GLP-1 levels decline and hunger signals increase due to age, poor diet, stress, or other lifestyle factors. This can cause cravings, false hunger, and weight gain. The MB GLP-1 System boosts GLP-1 to reduce appetite, food cravings, and the urge to eat (commonly referred to as food noise).* 


140% average increase in GLP-1Ω

Total Transformation

Participants using the MB GLP-1 System for 12 weeks reported significant improvements in several measures.

From an independent human clinical study.

100% who lost weight did not lose muscle up to 5% total body fat percentage lost up to 27% visceral fat lost
  • 82%

    took back control of their relationship with food‡

  • 95%

    had decreased sugar cravings‡

  • 96%

    chose smaller portions‡

  • 85%

    felt less hungry‡

  • 90%

    ate less at meals‡

  • 85%

    now eat for health instead of emotions‡

Average weight loss was 9 lbs in 8 weeks and up to 25 lbs in 12 weeks.

How is GLP-1 produced in the body?

When you eat, your body naturally makes GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1)—a smart hormone that communicates with your brain via the gut-brain axis to control digestion and balance blood sugar. It also supports the health of several organs, including your heart, liver, and kidneys.*

  1. 1

    Nutrients enter the gut microbiome, where beneficial bacteria metabolize resistant starches and fibers into short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including butyrate.

  2. 2

    SCFAs bind to specific receptors on L-cells lining the colon to stimulate the GLP-1 production pathway.

  3. 3

    The GCG gene directs production of proglucagon—a precursor protein for GLP-1. Then the PCSK1 gene produces enzymes that convert proglucagon into the active form of GLP-1.

  4. 4

    GLP-1 is released from cells. Some is broken down by the enzyme DPP-4, which helps regulate hormone levels, as it travels through your bloodstream.

  5. 5

    GLP-1 and other hunger hormones communicate along the gut-brain axis, signaling you’re full. Blood sugar is balanced. Digestion slows.

Dual Activation

MB GLP-1 System directly activates GLP-1 pathway in L-cells + indirectly activates GLP-1 by optimizing gut microbiome to create short-chain fatty acids and fuel production.§

Mindbody Core & Enhance GLP-1 System

MB GLP-1 System amplifies GLP-1 production by increasing GLP-1 receptors + decreasing the enzyme that breaks down GLP-1.§

Dual Amplification

In-Vitro Study

Synergistic Activation of GLP-1 and associated genes in L-cells using the MB GLP-1 System.

Cell studies show 54% increase in GLP-1 production§

Green fluorescence shows increased GLP-1 production in L-cells before and after using the MB GLP-1 System.

When both products are used together, the MB GLP-1 System influences expression of genes along the GLP-1 pathway in L-cells.§

MB Core product bottle

Upregulates GCG gene, creating proglucagon—a precursor protein for GLP-1§

MB Core product bottle

Upregulates PCSK1 gene, encoding for the enzyme that cleaves proglucagon into active GLP-1§

Expression of genes that boost GLP-1 activity are also influenced by the MB GLP-1 System.§

MB Core product bottle

Increases GLP1R expression, promoting increased GLP-1 receptors§

MB Core product bottle

Reduces expression of DPP4, maintaining more active GLP-1 in the body§

Gut Brain Axis Hormones

The MB GLP-1 System helps restore communication along the gut-brain axis, ensuring hunger hormone signals are clear and balanced.§

MB Core product bottle

Upregulates PYY and PPY genes, creating more neuropeptides that communicate along the gut-brain axis§

Our Patent Pending Formulas Make The Difference

  • MB Core product bottle


  • GLP-1 Activation Blend

    A carefully balanced, synergistic blend of 8 naturally derived ingredients that activate GLP-1 through different mechanisms of action: acacia, lemon bioflavonoids, hesperidin, berberine, honeysuckle, yerba mate, matcha, and eggplant.*

  • Chromium

    An essential mineral that supports healthy blood sugar levels already within a normal, healthy range.*

  • MB Enhance product bottle


  • GLP-1 Activation Support Blend

    Blend of resistant potato starch, resistant tapioca fiber, flaxseed and MCT oils, baobab fruit powder, guar gum and kombucha leaf work together to fill you up and support the production of short chain fatty acids like butyrate in the colon, which stimulates GLP-1 production.*

  • Digestive Health Blend

    Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus clausii are beneficial spore-forming probiotic bacteria that survive the acidic environment of the stomach to reach the small intestine and maintain a healthy balance in the microbiome. Licorice and ginger support the health of your stomach and intestinal lining.*

  • Vitamins & Minerals

    Essential nutrients supplement those that may be low due to consuming less food.*

Read More

  • ‡ Results may vary. Typical weight loss using this product in a 12 week weight management program is 1–2 pounds per week. This product should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consult with a healthcare provider before starting any weight loss program.
  • § Results based on a cell culture study on active ingredient blends in the MindBody GLP-1 System.
  • Ω Results based on a randomized 12-week human clinical study.
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